
We talk about language: acquisition and development from 0 to 36 months

One of the most studied topics in history is language acquisition. Skinner (1957), a pioneer in this field, explains to us how in the first months of life, our children reproduce all the sounds of all languages ​​and it is the parents who will selectively reinforce those corresponding to their native language. This reinforcement […]

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Everything in your mouth! The secret of why and benefits of the oral phase

On many occasions we have wondered about the need that babies have to put everything they see in their mouths. In the first months of life, babies' vision and hearing abilities are not fully developed, so when they see an object it is not enough for them to look at it, they need to put it in their mouth […]

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Emotional and social development in children from 0 to 24 months

Child development is full of changes that occur in relation to physical, cognitive, emotional and social aspects. Children grow and, with them, their emotions become increasingly complex. Our support at this stage is essential to provide them with resources. Talking about emotional development is talking about the identity construction that […]

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Inseparable: objects of attachment in childhood

Summer ends and school begins... Many of you will have arrived from vacation and the little ones have been sharing entire days with mom and dad for many weeks. The first day at school arrives and some children will come to class happy, others will be a little more sensitive and others may have a tantrum. Everything is part […]

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Tantrums: learning to understand and manage them

As our children grow and gain greater autonomy, the feared challenging behaviors emerge, especially around 20 months. This natural process occurs due to different factors and is associated with intellectual, emotional and social changes. Children begin to gain awareness of themselves and their independent “I”. Want to do it […]

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Teaching to share

Piaget, a psychologist who studies the intellectual and cognitive development of children, tells us about the stage of egocentrism and refers to the difficulty that children have in placing themselves in a perspective other than their own. That's when children discover that they are the center of attention and feel that everything belongs to them. This process, necessary […]

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Introducing foods: first steps

During the first six months of life, experts recommend exclusively breast milk (or, failing that, formula milk) as it provides the necessary nutrients for our baby. After this time, we begin to introduce new flavors and textures and, naturally, many doubts arise. In the process of introducing foods, each baby […]

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Music: the great ally in the baby's development

Before being born, the baby already listens to us. Enrique García (UNED emotional psychologist) explains how, in the first 3 months, babies have not yet developed the neurological maturation to acquire emotions, but they do have sensations that allow them to feel well-being, pleasure, satiety, alarm... It is That is why it is recommended, already […]

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Behavior, limits and educational styles, have you heard of them?

If you are a new mother or father, it is very likely that you have heard of these terms at some point. Today, we tell you a little more about behavior, what limits are, what educational styles exist and the consequences of each of them on your child. Do children's behaviors […]

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Neither girls in pink, nor boys in blue: promoting gender equality from early childhood

How many times have you discovered the sex of a newborn by the color of their clothes? Or how many times have you seen toy advertisements on television in which the protagonist is a girl if we are talking about dolls or a boy in the case of car racing? Having these concepts still so deeply rooted […]

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