As our children grow, new doubts arise, many of them are usually related to their diet: what they can eat, how to prepare it, tips for introducing changes in their diet... Learning to eat is a process and the most important thing will be to respect the development and growth of your baby.. Let's get into the matter: how to go from crushed to solid?:
- In positive
When you offer new foods, do it as naturally as possible, without forcing or punishing. Patience, as always, will be key.
- When
To begin this process, your little one must be able to sit without support and have lost the extrusion reflex. Try to start before 12 months because babies have a greater ability to handle solids, a natural instinct that is lost as they grow.
- Progressive textures
Increase the texture of the purees progressively and incorporate small pieces of foods that melt in your mouth (very stale noodles, soft fruit, breakfast cereals, jars with small pieces, bread soaked in milk, etc.). This will help them better accept new textures and strengthen their oral muscles, thus developing their chewing skills.
- Gradualness
Don't rush the process. Introduce new foods one by one and see how your baby reacts. This will help you identify possible allergies and help him get used to different textures.
- Amounts
Your baby's sensory information will allow them to know how to select different foods and identify when they are full and stop. Only the baby has the control to know when enough is enough.
- Repetition
When you start giving him new solid foods, he may be surprised and surprised by the flavors and textures. That is why we recommend that you do not discard a food on the first try, offer it up to 10 more times (but without forcing it).
- Freedom of experimentation
Give him the opportunity to manipulate, touch the food, play with it, get dirty and learn to know each food.
- Imitation
It is important that your baby sees you eat the same things you are giving him, try to eat the same foods and at the same time. We know that it can be a little uncomfortable to adapt your meal times, but this way you will develop the sense of belonging, essential in this process. Remember that it is key that your little one sees you enjoy the food.
- Security
Keep a close watch while your baby tries new foods to prevent choking. Eliminate foods that can cause choking and avoid those with added sugars and salt. safety first.
- ¡Don't forget the water!
Gradually introduce water into a cup or glass to help your baby get used to drinking from something other than a bottle.
- Consult with your pediatrician
Before making significant changes to your baby's diet, always check with your pediatrician to make sure you are meeting his or her specific nutritional needs.
Some key points What you should keep in mind to start this transition:
- Your baby should have sufficient control of his trunk
- Show interest in food
- You must be able to pick things up with your hands and put them in your mouth.
- Must have lost extrusion reflex
- He will weigh twice as much as when he was born
Y What happens if your little one rejects solids?? Let's look at some of the causes and solutions:
- Your little one is very sensitive to the point that just seeing or smelling food causes him to reject and/or gag. In this case, we recommend that you start with dry, crunchy textures that are neither wet nor doughy. If we want to introduce stews, it is better to use broth on one side and solids on the other.
- On some occasions, if you have already started a complementary diet with only crushed foods, it may be difficult for you to get used to noticing pieces of meat or vegetables. Try other types of textures such as bread, sticks or cookies.
- Some babies have a frenulum that prevents them from moving their tongue or, if they have problems with their throat, tonsils or are breathing through their mouth, it will make this process difficult for them.
The start of complementary feeding will be determined by each family. Whether you start with crushed, with solids or combine it, all the options will be correct (if you start with crushed, we recommend that you do not prolong it for a long time).
Throughout the process, the important thing is that food is a source of pleasure, giving time to experiment and discover, and that your baby eats well and in a balanced way. Eating is sharing, creating bonds, involves love and is a source of pleasure. Get ready to enjoy this stage of discoveries and flavors!